How To Start A Video Podcast On YouTube: Tips From The Experts!

Nowadays, it could appears as though everyone listens to podcasts. However, there is a good reason: podcasting is an economical approach to reaching an audience and building brand recognition for yourself or your company.

And since YouTube is one of the most significant websites for audio content on the internet, it makes sense to incorporate that platform in your strategy. So, how do you launch a YouTube podcast?

Learning how to create a podcast on YouTube is not difficult. You should thoroughly understand the procedure by the end of the next seven steps and be prepared to launch your podcast on YouTube!

What Exactly is a YouTube Podcast?

This article focuses on podcasts in the YouTube ecosystem rather than how to create a YouTube channel. Therefore, it’s crucial to comprehend what “having a podcast on YouTube” actually entails. YouTube is not a platform for hosting podcasts; it is a video search engine. Your podcast would cease to exist if you solely uploaded it to YouTube; instead, it would just be a YouTube channel.

Let’s have a look at some famous podcasts available on YouTube – 

Reasons to Upload Your Podcast on YouTube

Over 50% of those who use YouTube to listen to podcasts say they use the platform first to find new episodes.

Users may stop seeking your content on other podcasting platforms and podcast directories if they can’t find it on YouTube.

Other advantages of hosting your podcast on YouTube include the following:

  • Allows you to connect with a diverse audience of all ages
  • You can use the comments area to get real-time feedback.
  • Enables the use of shorter video segments to promote episodes
  • One of the top content search engines is it.
  • Offers an effective recommendation mechanism that places your podcast in front of listeners of related content

How to Make a Video Podcast on YouTube-

‍1. Select Your Tools and Recording Software:

The first thing you’ll need is a YouTube equipment package before you can start. First, choose the software and equipment you’ll need for your podcast.

To begin a video podcast, what do you need?

The essential podcast video gear and software you should have if you’re starting are what we advise.

  • A reliable microphone
  • It is possible to use a phone camera, HD camera, or webcam.
  • PC or a laptop
  • Headphones
  • software for recording
  • software for editing
  • Software for hosting podcasts

Additional hardware and software options to think about include:

  • Tripod
  • Mixer or interface for audio
  • Additional cameras and microphones
  • a set of lights

Podcasting’s most popular video cameras-

You should be prepared to record a video of your session at the outset using a good camera, especially if you intend to upload your podcast to YouTube.

Most video podcasters choose an external webcam for simplicity and more precise, crisper photos than their computer’s built-in cameras.

If you’re looking for a webcam, have a look at some of the most well-known manufacturers below:

  • HD Pro Webcam C920 from Logitech
  • Logic Pro C922

Instead, you might favor a handheld camera. The likelihood is high that you will mount the camera on a tripod while filming in such a situation unless you have someone to hold it for you. Due to this, most long-form podcasters stay away from DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. Additionally, they turn themselves off after 30 minutes.

The top video recorders used for podcasting are listed below:

  • HDR-CX405/B by Sony
  • Camcorder, Panasonic HC-V770K Full HD
  • VIXIA HF R800 by Canon
  • 6000 Sony Alpha
  • COOLPIX B500 by Nikon

2. Record Your Own Podcast

You are planning and writing a podcast script before recording might be a brilliant idea. You can determine precisely what you could need to document with the aid of this. If you’re making video content, it might also be a good idea to consider any extra b-roll you want to record.

You must first choose your recording technique to output audio on your media hosting site and submit your content to YouTube.

Considering how you’ll present your podcast on YouTube is important because the platform has a visual component.

A “video podcast” differs technically from a static image with audio overlaid, which is another crucial distinction. It is common practice for podcasters to submit their audio files with an image or images, but this is not regarded as a legitimate video podcast. The three methods for creating a podcast for YouTube are covered in the following section.

Only record audio

You’re probably drawn to audio media as a podcaster. It’s easiest to continue recording audio-only while including YouTube and creating background graphics for your recording.

Since YouTube doesn’t accept.mp3 files, you could convert your audio files to.mp4s and use a program like Canva or Inkscape to make an essential background.

You don’t have to be creative while creating your backdrop image. Add elements like:

  • Name of your podcast
  • URL of your website
  • The show’s logo
  • The episode’s host and guests’ names.
  • The recommended size for YouTube images is 2560×1440 pixels or a 16:9 aspect ratio.

One factor to remember is that YouTube podcasts with no video receive less engagement from viewers than podcasts with video. Therefore, it’s best to level up your video game using one of the strategies listed below if you intend to use YouTube podcasting as the main component of your audience-building approach.

Use Your Computer’s Webcam to Create a Video Podcast

The second method is to record your podcast using your computer’s webcam, an external microphone, or a built-in microphone. This budget-friendly setup might be ideal for you if you host an interview podcast.

To conduct remote interviews, spend money on high-quality recording equipment. Riverside. FM records up to eight participants locally on their own devices, removing concerns about slow connection speeds. This is because your internet bandwidth or connection quality constrains many video conference software solutions.

Using External Cameras, Create A Video Podcast

Finally, you might use one or more external cameras to record your podcast. This setting is frequently used for in-person interviews and chats.

You can even record a podcast using your iPhone if you don’t want to invest in pricey equipment. A tripod might be helpful, but even this isn’t always required.

Remember to be aware of your “set” as you’ll capture sections of your room as the background. At the very least, set up your camera to record and get a good understanding of the portion of the space that will be in the frame. After that, arrange the background however you like.

3. Edit and Get Ready to Publish Your Podcast

The post-production phase has to be completed once your podcast episode has been recorded. Even though many YouTube podcasters don’t edit their podcast recordings, they still need to prepare the material for the final output. You really should:

  • Subtitle your video
  • If the podcast is audio-only, create interesting images or slides to keep the audience interested.
  • For YouTube posting, split up your videos into smaller “micro-content.” 
  • You should add a proper title and description to your podcast.
  • Add relevant hashtags for your podcast.
  • By adding this, you will improve the searchability of your content on YouTube. 

Here are some suggestions for you that will give you an idea about the topic to use while making a podcast:

  • Food Channel: Popular with audiences who are housewives and simple to launch as a channel for housewives.
  • Travel: Following several lockdowns, travel technology is now outperforming. The moment is opportune to use travel channels to reach audiences.
  • Technology: Don’t be hesitant to start if you have expertise in any new technology niche.
  • Finance: Well, it’s one of the lucrative areas, but to reach the audiences, it needs a wide range of abilities.
  • Fashion: Suitable for female online entrepreneurs. Many women grow their businesses from little boutiques to flourishing online businesses using YouTube.

4. Create a Podcast Feed and Media Hosting Account.

Your media hosting and podcast feed are probably already set up if you have a running podcast. However, if you don’t already have a podcast, you should complete this step.

Remember that you shouldn’t utilise YouTube as your primary host; your podcast would be a YouTube channel. A YouTube channel has its uses, but if you choose this path, you can’t spread your podcast to other podcasting platforms to increase its audience.

Therefore, setting up your media hosting and feed before uploading videos to YouTube is crucial.

Choose a hosting platform to serve as the starting point for your podcast feed. 

Here are some of the more well-known websites:

  • Captivate
  • Podbean
  • Simplecast
  • Spreaker

These websites are where you construct your podcast feed and a repository for your podcast audio recordings. A media hosting platform is necessary for beginning a podcast, much like using a web host for a blog.

You must publish your podcast’s RSS feed to iTunes and other podcast directories like Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and any other locations where people find their podcasts once you have a hosting site and have uploaded your first few episodes.

The next step is to publish your podcast on YouTube.

5. Create a Podcast Channel on YouTube.

Let’s finally dive into some of the finer points of building a platform for your YouTube content.

Make a YouTube account if you don’t already have one. You can use the same username and password if you already have a Google account or Gmail.

Choose “Create a channel” from the account settings menu (or navigate to this page). Enter the necessary data, such as your nation, birthday, and gender, choose privacy settings, and then press the “Done!” button. ” button to finish the configuration. Please feel free to utilise our YouTube channel name generator if you need assistance selecting a name.

Video upload to your channel. To start adding videos, click the Upload button on the “youtube.com/yourchannelname” main page of your channel. You can create a live broadcast from this page or add numerous videos simultaneously.

Feedburner can be used to create enhanced feeds. With the help of the Google service Feedburner, you can manage your content’s keywords and categories, add a podcast synopsis to episodes, integrate iTunes podcasting components, and track the statistics of your podcast feed.

Include a subscribe link, and the URL of your YouTube RSS feed on your website. It makes sense to point your website or blog audience toward your YouTube presence, even though this step is optional. You should be given a subscription link via Feedburner, or you can utilise the typical YouTube feed structure.

6. Promoting and Making Money From Your YouTube Podcast

Once you’ve finished producing your YouTube podcast, you might believe your work is done. However, it would be best to consider your marketing and monetization options unquestionably.

How to advertise your YouTube podcast

As we’ve already discussed, promoting shorter episodes and excerpts of your podcast on YouTube is a terrific method to expand your listenership.

You can also test out additional YouTube techniques like:

  • Joining the YouTube shorts train
  • Posting on social media your YouTube podcast videos
  • Make the most of SEO while you can
  • Use calls to action to keep viewers subscribed or point them to your podcast.
  • Partner with businesses or other podcasters

Best Practises for YouTube Podcasting

To help podcasters understand what has worked for other podcasters on the platform, YouTube has produced a list of best practices. For the most excellent chance of success, abide by these dos and don’ts!

Put your podcast on YouTube and follow these steps:

  • Make a public podcast playlist that contains all of your complete episodes. Make a different playlist for each podcast if you have more than one.
  • Put the videos in the order you want your audience to see them. Post old videos first if your show is narrative-driven. Post the most recent episodes of a topical show first.
  • Make sure the title of your podcast and playlist are identical. Maintaining a consistent title makes it easier for current listeners to find you on a new platform.
  • Give your playlist a thorough description in writing. Make it simpler for a fresh visitor to comprehend the topic of your article.
  • A second channel with brief videos that could go viral should be created. Adding episode snippets is an excellent way to promote your podcast or website on social media, improve your SEO, and increase traffic.
  • The description includes a link to the episode. The leading indicator of your podcasting success is the number of subscribers. Put a link in the episode description to encourage listeners to subscribe to your podcast.

Avoid the following when uploading your podcast to YouTube:

  • Mix clips and your playlist of the entire program. No matter the season or subject matter, all full episodes of the same podcast should be available at once.
  • Too wordy playlist descriptions Descriptions should be brief and to the point. For episode clips, you can include a more detailed description.
  • Avoid reading the description box. Use this small box to your advantage by providing a compelling description.
  • Use a still image for the podcast’s cover. To watch videos, people visit YouTube. Less interaction may result from a podcast episode that only features an image of your artwork.

Final Thoughts

Starting a podcast in 2023 is a great way to build an audience and create successful content. By following the tips in this article, you can make your podcast stand out from the crowd and attract listeners worldwide. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your podcast today!

If you want to start earning from a YouTube channel, read our blog. It provides essential tips on how to get started. With the right approach, you can start generating income from your channel.

OnlineTechInfo, which specializes in digital marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), design, and technology, is one of the newest digital marketing blogs. This is a beautiful place to start for those new to digital marketing or who have advanced to a certain degree and are interested in what’s new.

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