linkedin marketing


“Business as usual” might feel like an oxymoron these days.

Whatever “normal” was has vanished, and we’re all trying to get our bearings in a terrain that has been (and continues to be) profoundly changed.

LinkedIn is dedicated to assisting marketers and businesses in adapting to and succeeding in this new era of business.

B2B marketers now recognize LinkedIn for what it is: a trusted, credible platform where business professionals go to network and find solutions to the challenges they face daily. With over 770 million members in over 200 countries, B2B marketers now recognize LinkedIn for what it is: a trusted, credible platform where business professionals go to network and find solutions to the challenges they face daily.

Did you know that every second, roughly three professionals join LinkedIn?

As B2B marketing evolves in the digital environment, it’s becoming more important to meet customers where they are, create genuine connections, and cultivate long-term partnerships. It’s no longer a matter of whether you should be on LinkedIn (96 percent of B2B marketers do), but rather how you can stand out and earn an advantage.

LinkedIn is unlike any other social media site in that it is solely focused on professional networks rather than humorous kitten videos.

People come to LinkedIn for one reason: to connect with a professional network, unlike YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.

This implies that when individuals open their LinkedIn feed vs when they sit back and scroll through Instagram Reels, they are in a very different mentality.

And here is where LinkedIn’s genuine strength lies.

Having a LinkedIn marketing plan means you’re selling your agency, business, or marketing skills to individuals who actually care.

They want to expand their network, learn from professionals, and understand how others might assist them in achieving their professional and business objectives.

Here are tips that will help your brand do just that by taking advantage of key tools and techniques.

Marketing Tips to grow your business on LinkedIn

How can you establish communities, raise brand recognition, and position your company for success in 2022 and beyond as a business in this congested online space?

These are some of the best recommendations we’ve received this year to help companies and marketers succeed in the digital age.

1. LinkedIn Hashtags

Because it’s the trend, you’ve used hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Perhaps you’ve begun to use hashtags on Facebook? However, you could be undecided about employing them on LinkedIn. Is it even legal for them to be on the ‘professional’ network?

“Yes, they are!” is the quick response.

It’s also a good idea to start using them if you want to reach a larger audience with your content.

Hashtags on LinkedIn are used to categorize material in the same manner that they are on Twitter and Instagram.

Hashtags aid in the discovery of material on a given topic.

Additionally, incorporating hashtags in your post will help you get noticed by others, especially those who aren’t related to you.

Furthermore, on LinkedIn, you may follow hashtags, which means that postings containing your selected hashtags will display in your feed.

From a marketing standpoint, having your LinkedIn material available to a wider audience is the winner.

Hashtags can be added to LinkedIn Profiles and Company Pages.

On LinkedIn, you can also use the hashtags through the following ways –

  • Identify appropriate hashtags to follow to participate in a conversation.
  • Including relevant hashtags in your post to help people find you.

2. Enable Thought Leadership.

Thought leadership material is no longer just filler for social media platforms; it has become a critical component of any content marketing plan. It’s also a method to provide your audience a consistent voice, vision, and, most importantly, trust. Professionals may use LinkedIn to reach a larger audience looking for leadership insights and narratives to help them accomplish their corporate goals.

Here  are processes for building thought leadership on LinkedIn

 (i) Make your profile as attractive as possible.

Many company executives only look at LinkedIn when they’re looking for a new job. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is no longer simply for job seekers. It is a component of your brand and is used for networking and contacts. After meeting someone at an event or having a potential customer referred to you, your LinkedIn profile is frequently the first piece of information that person sees about you, so it must reflect your brand.

Here are a few questions to ponder:

  • Do you have a current photo and an appropriate banner graphic?
  • How about a compelling title that sums up what you do? (Do not recite your job title verbatim.)
  • Is your summary representative of the job you want to do and for which you consider yourself an expert?
  • Does it contain the terms that will help people recognize you as a thought leader?
  • How about some high-quality material, such as a video of you speaking, a link to an article that features your skills, or a link to a blog or website? If you don’t have anything similar, you know it’s time to start making some.

(ii) Determine who your target demographic is.

Who is your ideal customer or client? What type of material are they looking for? The C-suite will want different information than middle managers, and HR professionals will be interested in different issues than marketing or finance professionals.

Learn to communicate to your audience about what they care about, and be sure to utilize phrases that they would use while discussing the issue.

(iii) Begin creating material and disseminating updates.

You must be published if you want to be a thought leader in any subject. Being published is a significant “proof point” for your audience, demonstrating that you are truly equipped to speak about your areas of expertise. If you’ve previously been quoted in interviews, that’s great: now start sprinkling those URLs over LinkedIn with a brief introduction. Now is the moment to start seeking such possibilities if you haven’t already been published. Meanwhile, you may start posting your articles (again, for free) on the LinkedIn platform, then distributing them as updates on your feed and in LinkedIn groups.

3. Use LinkedIn Live-stream feature

Although posts and articles may create a lot of interest on LinkedIn, video is often more successful. Native video is more likely to stimulate conversations among fans of your corporate page, which is beneficial to your reach.

However, there’s no reason to limit yourself to pre-recorded footage. The platform’s built-in live-streaming capability, LinkedIn Live, is likewise noted for its high engagement rates.

Live videos, according to LinkedIn, produce seven times the number of reactions and 24 times the number of comments as native videos.

Because one of the top-ranking factors for the LinkedIn algorithm is engagement likelihood, having a LinkedIn live might be a terrific strategy to boost traffic to your company profile.

4. Make a list of the content pillars that you want to use.

Let’s face it: organic reach isn’t what it once was.

When advertising began to appear on social media sites, it became evident that organic content would not be their top concern.

While it is more difficult to advance on LinkedIn, it is not impossible.

All you have to do is come in with a plan and understand that crossing your fingers isn’t an option.

5. Make use of sponsored updates

Businesses pay to have their posts appear on a LinkedIn user’s feed through sponsored updates. This ‘pay-per-click’ or ‘pay-per-1,000’ impression feature includes demographics comparable to those found on other social platforms (location, gender, and age), but it also includes the opportunity to customize based on a company name, job title, job function, talents, schools, and organizations.

Users may target industries of interest without having to compete with irrelevant firms and communications. All these things are possible through the powerful targeting capabilities of LinkedIn Ads.

With a strong call to action, a sponsored update may be an effective approach to promote thought-leadership information beneficial primarily to the targeted demographic.

People no longer want to see pure linkedin advertising and instead prefer to receive something beneficial for free.

6. Ask your followers to share and engage with your content

Writing a newsletter might help you expand your audience and enhance your brand.

However, publishing a post is your best choice if you want to generate short-form material or provide a link to current information.

You may build a following of people who are always engaged with your material.

These individuals can be utilized to contact folks who aren’t on your radar.

You can simply get this done by asking them to share with their community.

7. Ensure your Company Page reflects your values

“It’s also critical to have an up-to-date and consistent presence for your brand, complete with its corporate profile page.” The images, colors, and content on this page should be consistent with your company’s website and any other social media sites.

The page should be updated regularly to keep the brand active and to give the impression that it is still in operation.

We’ve all come across a company’s social media presence that is only updated once a month, if at all, or worse, hasn’t been updated in months.

The summary section is the one that gets the most attention.

You have 2,000 characters to communicate clearly and powerfully to your target audience. Use entire sentences, write in the first person, and clearly and simply address their problem concerns. Rather than visiting a website, many individuals choose to go to LinkedIn.

People want to connect with people before they connect with a product or service, and here is your chance to do so with potential clients and consumers.

At the end of the summary section, give your contact information. Make it easy for others to contact you, even if it’s elsewhere on your profile.


Understand that LinkedIn is a professional social networking site where you may connect with other professionals. Prospects, strategic partners, referral partners, and other company owners may and should be connected with. After that, the business owner may select how to cultivate certain relationships to strengthen the relationship.

Individuals use LinkedIn to network, uncover opportunities, and meet people who can help them grow their business. As a result, your LinkedIn content might be one of the most effective conversion tools in your social marketing arsenal. You should try it out.

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