How to Use Competitive Analysis to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Every effective marketing strategy must include competitive analysis as a crucial element. Despite unfavourable assumptions, competitive research isn’t spying.Keeping an eye on your competitors’ actions is the key to success.

Many lose out on business to competitors they have never even heard of because they don’t spend enough time undertaking competitive research. Knowing what your competitors are doing might help you position yourself and your product or service more effectively in the market.

What is Competitive Analysis?

Competitive analysis, often known as competitive research, is a branch of strategic analysis focusing on gathering and analysing data on competitors’ businesses. It’s a crucial strategy for learning what your competitors are doing and what kind of threat they represent to the success of your business. Additionally, it aids in pointing up business trends that you might have missed.

Benefits of Conducting Competitive Analysis

  • It helps you determine your product’s distinctive value proposition and how it differs from your competitors, which can guide future marketing initiatives.
  • It enables you to determine what your competitors are doing well. This data is essential for being current and ensuring that your product and marketing initiatives beat industry norms.
  • It tells you where your competitors are lacking, which enables you to find market openings and test out novel, distinctive marketing techniques they haven’t used.
  • Learn from customer feedback what elements a competitor’s product lacks, and then think about how you may incorporate those features into your offering to satisfy those needs.
  • It gives you a benchmark against which to compare your progress.

A Few Steps You Can Take to Conduct in-depth Competitive Research Are

1. Find Out Who Your Top Competitors Are

If you operate an online store, you probably face competition from dozens or hundreds of other businesses vying for the same pool of eligible leads.

Regardless of whether your business is small, national, or global, someone in your organization, frequently in the sales or marketing teams, can list off your top competitors and what sets them apart from you in a flash.

A simple Google search can be a good starting point if you need some assistance identifying your competitors. A couple of your top competitors may appear by searching for the kind of service or product you are providing.

2. Analyse The Online Presence of Competitors

As soon as you’ve determined who your primary competitors are, you should check over their website, the kind of content they post, and their social media profiles. After you, scan any blogs, white papers, and social media posts that discuss their products and how to use them. Think about the following questions like:

  • How does their website’s user interface feel?
  • Do you fully comprehend the goods or services they provide?
  • Do they have a website that is compatible with mobile devices?
  • How frequently do they blog, and more importantly, is the content of high quality?
  • Is their intended audience interested in this content?

The answers to these questions show you where you can beat your competitors.You should pay special attention to anything they are doing well that you aren’t doing. Your knowledge of where to direct your attention and resources will improve.

3. Take Note of The Content Strategy Used by Your Competitors

After that, consider how many of these blogs are present. Do they have dozens or hundreds of blog entries? 

The frequency of various content assets should then be determined. Do they release fresh material weekly or only once a month? How frequently are new ebooks and case studies published?

Your competition is likely to produce frequently if you find an extensive archive of content. Depending on the subjects they’re covering, this information could aid you in identifying their lead-generation tactics.

The next step should be to assess the calibre of their content. Ultimately, it won’t matter how frequently they post if the content is poor quality because their intended audience won’t find any value in it.

To make the procedure more manageable, pick a limited number of samples to review rather than all the content.

To provide a reasonably accurate view of what your competition shares with their target audience, your sampler should contain content on various topics.

Ask yourself the following questions while you examine the content of your competitors:

  • Their content’s accuracy?
  • Are there any typos or grammar mistakes here?
  • How comprehensive is their content? 
  • Which pitch do they use?

4. Observe How Active They Are on Social Media

The importance of a company’s social media presence is rising, and different businesses use different social media platforms. Social media platforms are excellent for connecting businesses with their customers and followers.

Businesses also share content on these websites.Finding out how your competitors are utilizing social media and incorporating it into their marketing should be the next stage in your competitive study.

In addition to checking to discover if your competitors are using social media, you should also look at how well they utilize their profiles.

  • What kind of data are they publishing? How frequently do they occur? Do they have a profile and cover photos?
  • What about websites which are less frequently used like Pinterest or Google My Business?
  • Check out the engagement next. Do people click on their posts? Do they possess supporters? Do they get a lot of likes or retweets? Are they publishing images of occasions or workplace culture?
  • When you look at the profiles of your competitors, you should be asking yourself all of these questions. Just because someone has a profile does not mean they are automatically successful on social media.
  • Learn what they are doing instead of hastily clicking away from the page. What can you improve upon?

5. Watch How They Advertise across digital platforms

You will quickly go from engagement to your competitor’s content promotion plan.

  • The copy’s use of keywords
  • Call to action buttons
  • Overall structure of the landing page

You can also set priorities and concentrate on what needs your attention by asking yourself the questions below:

  • Which search terms are your competitors concentrating on that you haven’t yet exploited?
  • What if theirs has received the most shares and links? How would your content stack up?
  • Which target market uses social media sites?
  • What other websites link to one of your competitors but not the one yours?

Tools Used for Competitive Research

Conducting competitive research is now simpler than ever thanks to software and technology. However, there are a huge number of competitive research tools available, making it difficult to choose the best programme.

We’ve done the research and simplified it down for you. Here are the tools used for SEO, PPC and social media resources you could take into consideration for your competitive research.

SEMrush: This is one of the top competition research tools for SEO. It is also used for tracking things like PPC, keyword research, competitive research, and more. SEMrush will help you identify new competitors, find their best-used keywords, and assess their ad text. They have flexible price plans depending on your business demands.

SpyFu: This search analytics tool exposes the terms websites buy on Google. So, once you’ve identified your main competitors, you can track every keyword they’ve acquired. Plus, you can follow every term they are ranking for and locate the content and backlinks that helped them rank in the first place.

BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo lets you assess how your content is compared to your competitors’ content. You can observe whose content is shared more frequently on social media compared to others, and you can even schedule alerts on your competitors’ content which will make it easier to continue watching them.


Utilize the same metrics to evaluate your competitors as you would your own business, sales, and marketing reports. Keep a record of this information just like you would with a competitor. By doing this, you’ll better understand how your company compares to its competitors and what you need to do to elevate your position.

Do you wish to comprehend competition analysis more fully? We made an effort to provide you with both the basic idea behind these competitive analysis tools and step by step research guide. Your turn to get more information is now.

Are you eager to read our blog, which helps you to review competitors’ social media ads? This blog will help you to do competitive research.

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