How To Use Facebook Ads To Boost Your Local Business

Facebook advertising is an effective way to reach out to potential customers in your local area. You can use a variety of ad optimization techniques to get the most out of your pay-per-click budget and ensure that your ads are reaching the right people. By targeting your ads specifically to people in your area, you can effectively increase your customer base and grow your business.

Facebook’s Local Business Advertising Goals

Brand Recognition

You need to increase awareness of your company among the correct people—your local target market. So, the next time they need a company that offers your product or service, they think of you (planting the seed).

Social Proof

Thanks to social proof, your company will appear established, dependable, and well-liked in the neighbourhood. Also, motivate online communities to spread information through digital word-of-mouth (e.g., a Facebook share to a friend).

Facebook Ad Setup For Local Targeting

Let’s go to “Ads Manager” now that everyone is set up with Facebook Business Manager.

Once you’ve located “Ads Manager,” select “Create,” and we’ll get to work:

You will have to create your campaign, ad set, and ad.

Do not worry; I will guide you every step of the way and ensure that you do not make any mistakes.

As soon as you click the “Create” button, you will be taken to the first screen, which is the campaign objective.

Facebook Ad Campaign Objectives For Local Targeting

The foundation of your commercials is the campaign aim. If you get it wrong, your advertisements will be a complete failure.

You might be tempted to select “brand awareness,” “traffic,” “video views,” or “store visits” if you’re just getting started.

They all seem to fit our marketing objectives, don’t they?

Avoid choosing one of these goals, especially if you’re starting, as it is a typical error.

Choose “Post Engagement” and give your campaign a name at the bottom of the screen by continuing to scroll down (to avoid confusion later).

When you choose this campaign goal, Facebook automatically picks users with a history of engagement, liking, sharing, and commenting on posts.

Set Local Targeting For Facebook Ads

After finishing the campaign objective, go to the “Ad Set” section and start with “Audience.”

The audience will vary depending on your area, industry, and niche, but there are a few guidelines YOU MUST follow.

Targeting an audience in your area is the first step. You can accomplish this by focusing only on people in the area.

Keep a close eye on your “Audience Size” when doing this (on the right-hand side).

Restaurants, pubs, and retail establishments in smaller towns are likely to avoid the necessity of targeting a specific population or set of interests.

Reducing the area around your location will help you target your audience more precisely.

Or by targeting based on demographic and interest data.

Check your audience size and make the proper choice depending on whether men or women make up most of your target market.

If your audience is still huge (1,000,000+), you should use the “Detailed Targeting” feature to further hone it.

Start with generic or broad interests and chop down until you reach the right audience size. You must, at this point, be aware of your audience. Your chances of success increase the better you grasp their interests.

Even though you might want to be detailed, keep in mind that your goal is to raise brand awareness. Keep your audience from shrinking too much!

Scroll down to “Placements” and “Budget & Schedule” when your audience is at its ideal size (this varies depending on geography, industry, and niche).

For this campaign, keep the “Automatic Placements” tab selected.

It will aid in maintaining your ad’s most significant reach (for brand awareness) and optimising your budget so that more of it is spent in its most effective spots.

Your budget will depend on your available marketing funds, but I urge you to spend less than 500 inr  daily on this campaign. Ensure that “Daily Budget” is additionally chosen (in the drop-down menu).

By establishing your budget this way, you’ll guarantee that the campaign will continue indefinitely.

More people will see your advertising as your budget increases, but even if you have a large marketing budget, it’s preferable to test your campaign on a moderate budget.

Facebook Ad Copy and Design for Local Targeting

When you get to this point, most of the (perceived) difficult work is finished, and it’s time to set up your advertisement.

Make sure your Facebook page’s “identity” is accurate before moving on to the next phase. As an illustration, I would use Digihustle’s Facebook page if I were an advertising service. Similar to Instagram (if you have one).

Afterwards, you must scroll down to the “Creative” area.

You may either select an existing post or create a new one to serve as your ad’s creative by visiting this page.

Upload the post (as you usually would on Facebook) if you want to use an existing post as an advertisement; it will appear in the option labelled “Select Post.

Select the “+” button, then the “Photo/Video” option, if you’re starting a new advertisement from scratch. You will arrive at this menu from here:

Make your selection under “Upload photos or videos.” This is ideal as social proof and ongoing brand awareness drives your advertising (especially if you’re starting).

Video is the more interesting, trackable (inside analytics), and nearly always yields the best reaction of the two options. Because videos take longer to watch than still photos, it encourages viewers to stay on your advertisement longer, significantly increasing brand awareness!

You must compose your ad copy after choosing your photo or video. Please don’t skip this critical step; it’s essential!

Briefly express your brand’s offer and message in writing. If your business takes reservations, put your phone number here and say, “Book now before it’s too late” (FOMO).

You’ll also see an option to “Add a Button.” Including a call to action in 90% of advertisements is vital.

You might use this to direct visitors to your booking page if you have an online booking platform.

However, don’t add a button to this advertisement if you don’t have an online booking portal. You want Facebook users to take action by leaving comments, sharing, and liking your advertisement. You will lose social proof if you include a call to action (because users are acting away from Facebook)

This ad creative (and the interaction associated with it) may always be used to inspire actions in a brand-new campaign.

Click the Confirm button at the bottom of the page when you’re satisfied with how your ad preview looks.


A campaign like this MUST be set up and left running if you are the owner or manager of a local business (until the creative or audience is exhausted).

It will be the cornerstone of all your digital marketing initiatives and promise to bring in more customers.

As your Facebook advertising expertise grows, you can stack more campaigns on top of this engagement campaign (while it’s still active).

This campaign’s success will mostly depend on your distribution (specifically, how effectively you targeted your audience, which should be simple using location targeting) and your creativity (your video).

Allow your initial advertisement to run for a week, review the results, and don’t be afraid to test. Budget, audience, and creativity all have room for improvement.

Reading the pay-per-click (PPC),SEO, design, and technology-focused digital marketing blog OnlinTechInfo is the best approach to realise that. Any person who is just starting in digital marketing and wants to understand what’s going on should start here.

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