impact of social media on small businesses

Small businesses are the driving force of our economy, providing jobs and creating growth.

This means that small businesses have a lot on their plate, but having to deal with social media is a major challenge for many.

The problem is that there are very few small businesses that have the awareness to realize what works for them on social media, and only even fewer think about the impact they have on their audience.

If you have ever wondered how to create a big impact on social media, then this blog is for you.

I’ll be covering some strategies for small businesses that are not necessarily high profile but surely can make a difference.

Let’s get started.

Unleash the power of Reels 

Thanks to TikTok, the smaller format of video garnered a lot of attention and got people hooked on to it. 

30-60 second video consumption became a rage some years back and now it’s being taken ahead by Instagram reels and YouTube Shorts. 

Did you know that Instagram Reels have become the fastest growing trend in the World – 

Source – Google Trends

Not only that Instagram reel ads can actually reach over 675 million users as per the recent data 

Image Source: Hootsuite 

The brand NIKE averages 4.6 million views per reel. Isn’t that phenomenal? 

One of the best things about reels is the engagement rates, posting reels can also improve your overall account engagement rates, as per the latest Hootsuite insights and research that was conducted, publishing reels actually helped an account get about 1000-1400 followers every week. 

Whether it’s the Jiggle Jiggle song or the CKAY song that is one of the most used in Instagram reels, publishing high-quality reels can help you reach followers as well as non-followers which normally you would have reached with the help of paid advertising. 

Let’s quickly have a look at a few small businesses which are making it big through Instagram Reels – 

1. Let’s have a look at one Indian e-commerce brand which deals in Ethnic wears 

To announce the new collection they did it creatively by publishing a dance and announcing their new collection, the dance featured the new saree collection and was able to garner a hundred thousand views, and a few of their videos hit a million views as well. 


Not to forget they do a lot of hard work in cinematography, choreography, lighting and most importantly using trending music and hashtags. 

Let’s have a look at another example of a small business which is making big waves on Instagram. 

MBA Chaiwala is the story of the famous MBA dropout who gave up on his education to open his tea stall, his business is now PAN India. 

His reels content gets a good number of views as well – 

By the way, Onlinetechinfo.com is also on Instagram and we also publish some amazing Reels, feel free to explore our reels, they are surely helpful.

2. Make it big with Moment Marketing – 

Moment marketing is the ability to take advantage of ongoing events and create communications & marketing collaterals around such events. This is used by brands to insert themselves in the ongoing conversations that bring relevance to how they market. 

To also add up, most of these hashtags are trending, hence once a small business starts creating content on trending hashtags they have a better chance to be visible. Let’s have a look at how brands leverage Moment marketing 

Check out how brands jumped on to the bandwagon when Stranger things season 4 was released –


This is what a fitness-based startup Fittr published when the news of Will Smith became a trending 

And this is what the famous Indian startup Zomato published when iPhone 13 was launched – 

3. Serve your customers well through Social Media – 

Gone were the days when customers keep on ringing your toll-free or customer care number, today’s consumer is fast, agile and wants things at a lightning-fast speed, so if you are a small business transforming your social channels into a customer service platform would not be a bad idea. 

Not only smaller businesses even the bigger ones are doing it over Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram as well. 

I could remember two big brands who are very responsive over Twitter, first one is Spotify 

They have a dedicated account called Spotifycares and they respond to user queries at lightning-fast speed. 

Another account I could recall is Apple, they have a dedicated account called Apple Support –

I know some of you readers might say that don’t point the multinational giant corporations, but yes a lot can be learnt from these big companies and a similar social media strategy can be adopted for your business as well. 

The rise of Whatsapp Chatbots can also be a great strategy for a small business owner you can look forward to. 

Tell us which strategies as a small business owner would employ to amplify your social media presence in the comments below – 

Want to do a competitive analysis on Social Media? Here is one of our blog links that can help you. 

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